Category: Setups

Mi5 evo update

So, I’ve got my third meeting under my belt with the evo now, and it short… it rocks! First time out was at the Logan club, where I’ve been racing for the past few months. Unfortunately, being winter out here at the moment, it’s also a bit chilly… and that had a pretty detrimental effect…

Musings from May, and an evo..

May was a busy busy month… and not a hugely successful from a results perspective. To be honest, the past period of races haven’t been great really.

Tamworth Cup – April 18th-20th

Starting off (and not technically in may), over the Easter weekend, I made a (very) last minute decision to travel from Toowoomba down to Tamworth for the 10th Annual Tamworth Cup, which also incorporates a bit of a State of Origin competition between Queensland and New South Wales.

Racing ramblings for March

It’s been a while, and a few race days since I’ve posted any updates. The main reason is there hasn’t been a lot of changes! I’ve concentrated recently on comparison testing of some different settings, mainly as what I’m running on my car is a little different to what most of the team drivers are…

Stock Racing on a Saturday..

So tonight it was a pretty relaxed racing, heading down to the local (by which I mean it’s within 20mins drive!) club at Highfields. Compared to the usual tracks I race on, the Toowoomba club is a little different. First up, it’s 17.5 Blinky only, so the mod motor had to come out. Secondly, it’s…